Colors of the Day: the Beauty of Being

Waterolor beautiful girl. Vector illustration of woman beauty salon

August McLaughlin’s Beauty of a Woman Blog Fest V (#BOAW16) launches today. Both men and women bloggers offer unique perspectives on beauty.

To me, the fest is a celebration of the beauty of being, like walking through the doorway of equanimity to explore compassion, joy, and loving-kindness, the colors of our days.

Each day is a blank canvas, a textured, vibrant explosion of experience, beauty blurring and blending one expression into another. No facet of beauty is denied for that is not the nature of transformation.

Beauty does not reside in a single appearance. It does not live on a pedestal. No one sentient life is worthier than another. The faces of beauty reveal “destiny or fate or meaning, heroes of remarkable stories” (Rebecca Solnit).

Every sentient life is remarkable for it is the only version of that story that will ever be told.

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Beauty is not found in a single expression but in every experience of existence in this dimension of sensation. Day after day, the multi-verse expresses itself anew.

It is the nature of beauty to renew rather than repeat or redo. No experience of beauty leaves us unchanged nor does it stay.

There are moments we would hold forever; others, we would avoid if we could. Try as we may, we are not allowed either of these choices.

The beauty of being transcends any framing of or confining to one day, one experience, or one moment. Nor does it exclude. Being is the blend and blur of the events of a lifetime.

We exist in a dimension of sensation, the beauty of being always on the horizon for as long as there are days to experience. In the dawn, we greet the colors of our day:

I am grateful for this day,

 for every moment I experience

as a human being.

May I meet each moment

with equanimity, joy,

loving-kindness, and compassion

for all

in all ways, in all things.

I hope you visit Beauty of a Woman Fest V. It may change your life. ❤

34 thoughts on “Colors of the Day: the Beauty of Being

  1. This is beautifully written, and so thoughtfully conceived. You make me long for a ‘doorway into equanimity,’ a place where it is celebrated that ‘every sentient life is remarkable for it is the only version of that story that will ever be told.’ Lovely, Karen, and so thoroughly you.


    1. You know, when it occurred to me one of the things that makes us unique is our story–each one-of-a-kind–that was a major shift in perspective for me. It’s so easy to narrow one’s horizons–at least for me–yet, the doorway of equanimity is always open. And what stories, what remarkable lives are there to discover. Thanks so much, Leigh.


  2. Such a beautiful post, Karen. I agree with August that your poem could be a mantra to begin each day!


    1. Actually, I say these words every morning after meditation and before my yoga practice. Neither meditation or yoga would seem complete without them. Glad you enjoyed the post.


    1. As I mentioned to Lynn, these are the words I use in conjunction with my morning meditation and yoga practice. No matter the day, the words seem to “open” me. I have come to rely on them. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. “We exist in a dimension of sensation, the beauty of being always on the horizon for as long as there are days to experience. In the dawn, we greet the colors of our day.”

    Wow. So very powerful and so very true. Great outlook and post!


  4. As always, you’ve captured the essence so perfectly. The reminder about impermanence is a powerful one: “Try as we may, we are not allowed either of these choices.” How much less suffering there would be in the world if more of us could recognize this!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have to agree with August about your closing. I am going to add it as a finish to my morning recitations, It’s just what one should be mindful of before one goes out the door to move through the chaos..


    1. Angela, I do say these words every morning after meditation and before yoga. Do let me know if you found them a welcome addition to your morning recitations. I am late in responding to comments but do know I am serious in my asking. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, what a gorgeous and poignant post, Karen! I love every word, this bit especially: “Every sentient life is remarkable for it is the only version of that story that will ever be told.” YES – amen!

    Your closing could be a mantra worth repeating, meditating on and celebrating daily. You’re an inspiration. THANK YOU for bringing your soul to the fest!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BOAW has become a favorite time of the year for me; always, there is such a remarkable group participating. As you (and others) figured out, the lines at the end of the post are what I say after my morning meditation and before my yoga. Truly, the words open me to every day, no matter how I am feeling physically or emotionally. Thank YOU for bringing BOAW to the blogosphere.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. “Being is the blend and blur of the events of a lifetime. ”
    That is a perfect sentence! I need to sit with it and consider my blend and blur in this moment of this life. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

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