The New Now: A Possum in Moonlight

The possum’s size was considerable enough that first glance indicated it might be an armadillo but the sheen of its fur, seemingly silken in the moonlight, proved it a possum, and a rather deliberative one at that.

Browsing the ground and grasses, the possum foraged with pause, as if such a night of light was evident even with possum vision. Feline EmmaRose (ER) and I had also been drawn to the full moon’s light, as we often are.

EmmaRose in Meditation KMHuberImage

In stillness, ER sits a window sill and I sit abed, watching the possum peruse the moonlight. Contentment reigns on either side of the window.

When the possum finally leaves our viewing area, ER yawns and decides it is time to eat so she, too, leaves the moonlight viewing. And after she eats? Well, that now is not yet here, is it?

Every moment is the new now, a peeling back of another layer of the present, offering an experience all its own. It is the only way ER and the possum know–each moment is its own clean slate, free from what was as well as from what might be. Each moment is its own entity.

This musing in moonlight is familiar but there is something in this light at night that seems…well, revelatory.

I remember Anita Moorjani explaining that she begins each day by surrendering herself to whatever the day may bring to her and ends her day by releasing everything that she received. Thus, each day is new and her slate is clean every morning.

For some months now, I have been in-between dances, unable to let go of what was in order to immerse myself in what is. In the moonlight, such struggling against time and tide seems silly and without substance.

A cramp in my hand reminds me I am still clinging to my beloved Kodak camera.  There are no possum pictures this night nor will there be from this aged camera. It works beautifully but I had to replace my laptop and the camera software is not compatible.

The Kodak recorded the last years of life for two, aging canines; captured five years of life along the Gulf Coast and the occasional snapshot of the Gulf’s waters; almost, it walked with me through two years of change on Waverly pond. Few objects become dear friends but it is possible, and in the moonlight, I am convinced, yet again, of the sentience of all things.

I suspect every moment is a clean slate but I am not that present and may never be, yet in appreciating that every moment is the new now, I hold onto less and am open to more.

After all, I have watched a possum strolling by the light of the moon.

21 thoughts on “The New Now: A Possum in Moonlight

  1. This was awesome, Karen. I shared this on Facebook. Well written and a great delivery on a subject. I hope to some day write this well.


  2. i was going to make similar comments to what others have already noted, but then I decided to clear the slate and just enjoy the moment of tasting your wisdom, Karen. You are my moonlight in this moment. {{{hugs}}} Kozo


  3. Another wonderful post – thank you, Karen, for sharing your thoughts. I often think that our nagging ability to ‘hold on’ – to let what has been influence us now, and our futures, is both a strength and a weakness. Do animals do it? I doubt it. Probably, just us; and it is a boon to the extent that we learn from events; but it is a curse in the way that the worry of the past stays with us to our detriment. Part of it, I think, is that we project that worrisome past into the future when, by any measure, a clean slate and fresh view ahead is the better way. It is, I think, one of the hardest things that we can do; for I suspect that by nature, we hold on. But that should not stop the attempt to let go.


    1. Hi, Matthew! I wonder if it is possible to hold onto what informs us without letting it influence us. If we could reach this balance and maintain it, what might the future hold? It is a stunning point that you make, and one for further consideration. I do not think animals do it, although they have memory to some extent but how much, if any, that memory influences is another matter. I suspect it is their instinct that influences them more than memory. Thanks so much, Matthew.


  4. Beautiful post Karen and as always, thought provoking. I love the concept of each day being a clean slate and especially letting go of the day’s events each night. I think you have something here with the thought of each moment being a “new now.” Even if we fluctuate between spaces, it makes those times when remind ourselves to be present and mindful that this moment is the only moment, so grounding. EmmaRose is a pretty girl and you are lucky to have each other. She’ll keep an eye out for those possums. 🙂


    1. EmmaRose is really beautiful and such a delight; she is terrific at wildlife viewing and alerts me. Without Cooper, we had to find our way with each other, which we have done. Quite frankly, I am rather struck by each moment being the new now; what a world that is opening up for me. Thanks so much for all of your support, Stephanie!


  5. Lovely, lovely. And talk about NOT being present, or at least unAware. My partner and I drove 2 hours today to an Adhyshanti event, only to find out it was yesterday! Somehow we mixed up the day and date! “After all, I have watched lots of cars pass by on the freeway…..”….cheers!


    1. Oh, thank you for this!! It is simply wonderful to know that I am not alone in either not showing up or showing up when I am least expected. Makes my day, and every time I am on the freeway, I will remember your words. Always great to have you stop by.


  6. This is really beautiful, Karen! I experienced a betrayal this week that has had me overly-focused on the past in its aftermath, and I really needed this reminder to come back to the blank slate in this moment of now. Thank you!


    1. Ah, Kenetha, betrayal is hard, really hard but especially for thoughtful, sensitive people. I have found a lot of strength in the realization that each moment is the new now. Perhaps, so will you. Thanks, Kenetha.


  7. “Every moment is the new now, a peeling back of another layer of the present, offering an experience all its own.” I LOVE this! I’ve spent too much time lately chastising myself for what I haven’t done instead of just doing and being in this moment, today. I’m going to save and print your quote and put it somewhere I will see it often. Thank you.


    1. I am honored that you have found me quotable! Seriously, that means a lot. When I considered that each moment is the new now, the world really did expand. Thanks, Robin!


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