Paradox Practice

Wayne Dyer (Wikipedia photo)

I didn’t grow up practicing to be a paradox so when Wayne Dyer writes, “practice being a living, breathing paradox every moment of your life”* it seems a tad…paradoxical. Yet, my life of duality brought me only contrasts, opposites, comparisons and yes, judgment—all balancing acts of duality and not of the “paradoxical unity” that is the oneness of the Tao.

This I discover after almost 60 years of living but I do discover it.

More than thirty years of my life have been with lupus, an autoimmune disease that now actively lives with me permanently, unlike its earlier years of extended stays but then it had other names.   Truly, I understand “the name that can be named is not the eternal name.”

Regardless, lupus was made to order for practicing paradoxical unity.

For years, juggling balance, stressing no stress, and unlimiting limitations were my duality, uneven at best. The effort of trying to order my life out of chaos was like touching the wind. Yet, chaos, like every storm, has one, still eye that allows …”apparent duality while seeing the unity that is reality…[an] effortless action without attachment to outcome.”  By no longer focusing on outcome in my life with lupus, I replaced the trying and the effort with what is moment by moment.

Being requires a lot of presence–“duality is a mind game” that is always ready for a match–so I get a lot of paradox practice.

*Attribution: All quotations are excerpted from Wayne Dyer’s book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life, Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, CA, 2007.

ROW80 Wednesday Word Marking:

From January 2 until February 4, my goal was to write 250 words per day—as blog posts, fiction, or nonfiction–for an approximate total of 8250 words.

On February 4, I started the “30-minute” stretch in which I write for 30 minutes daily. So far, that has generated just over 3700 words, averaging about 900 words a day. It takes care of  a lot of my mind minutia so my other writing is more focused, and I fuss less.

12 thoughts on “Paradox Practice

    1. Always great to meet another Wayne Dyer fan; “doing” the Tao is life-changing, I think. Thanks for your kind words about the post. Always enjoy it when you stop by.


  1. Living in the present is my goal for other reasons but still the same. We only have this moment in time and what we make of it is up to us.

    Part of me would love to take away your challenges but who am I to know what is best and right for you. My hope is that you find the gold within your challenges and soar to great heights on your journey.



    1. Honestly, Morgan, these challenges give me so much, which your wise response implies. Learning the opportunity of the moment is life-changing. Thanks for such a thoughtful response, as always.



    1. Meeting writing goals often parallels the voice in the wilderness, or so it seems, yet it is preferable to not. As you always say, “baby steps.” Let’s have a coffee soon.


  2. Living full-time (as in, they’ve never attended school) with two active, creative, curious young people helps me to spend far more time present.

    The memory of the baby I was never able to bring home reminds me why it’s important.

    I am glad you are finding your way. Knowing others are, too, makes the journey more pleasant. =)


  3. Focusing on the path rather than the destination is something I struggle to do. I know when I am managing it because the world looks so immediate, so beautiful–and then I know I’ve lost it again, the awareness that I am aware snatching the moment away again.

    Darn, it’s hard!


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