Looking into Nature’s Mirror and Finding Grace

Waverly Larch Spring Nubs 0313The cycle of seasons is nature’s mirror, ours for the viewing. Mostly, we celebrate a new season but not always the length of time nature takes to make the change.

We assign spring a date, anticipating an event that may or may not arrive as assigned. Arrival is always a mystery. In a moment of grace, nature unfolds in its own time, in its own way.

“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace—only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.” Anne Lamott

I do not understand the mystery, either, but I am content for the experience of it. All I do know is that grace transforms. And like spring, it is its own mystery.

Grace flows with the majesty of a meandering river. Part of its mystery is the gradual eroding of its course, without beginning or end. We do not know the precise moment we are transformed. We only know that we are.

In grace, we do not wallow or stagnate but discover and re-discover the spring of our lives not so much as to re-live but to be reborn in yet another season.

Spring is not a one-time event.

Grace moves us to deeds we once thought impossible. In each spring of our life, we emerge anew. Grace allows us to bare ourselves as we are—to take the risk again—to meet each new spring we are allowed.

We are given only one body to grow but we have the gift of grace to transform, to meet yet another spring. Our seasons cycle within our hearts, bold with the opportunity each affords.

We need not remain wrapped in winter, blanketed in its protective shell. Like nature, ours is not to stagnate or to wallow but to transform from a winter’s day into a spring’s blossom. It is the way of grace.

The bud opens, and life begins anew, yet again. There is grace in this falling away of one season for another, a radical change replete with uncertainty.

As we are revealed so are we seen. Grace unlocks our softness.

14 thoughts on “Looking into Nature’s Mirror and Finding Grace

  1. I have pondered the meaning of “grace” for many years, since childhood when we said “grace” before meals, and I have come to the conclusion that grace is when some boon is conferred which we have neither earned nor deserved, but it is granted gratuitously, serendipitously, almost as if by chance. And reinforces the randomness of the universe which mysteriously seems to have some hidden, unexplainable goodness at its invisible core.


  2. “I do not at all understand the mystery of grace—only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.” Anne Lamott. One of my favorite Annie quotes! One I try very hard to remember and believe in every day. Thanks for the uplifting post.


    1. I have never been averse to winter but I admit a preference for the protective shell of north Florida. Having moved here from Wyoming some fifteen years ago, I still do not miss snow or a snow falling. I find that surprising, really, but it is true. Thanks, Cynthia!


  3. I celebrate and embrace beginnings, even if they are as artificial as the start of a new week called Monday. I live life leaning forward, yearning always toward the next amazing thing to come, sure that this time the parade will include elephants!


    1. Agreed, Adrian! As I explore the mystery of grace, the element of cycles–beginning and ending as one–keeps me leaning forward as well. I’ll let you know if I see the elephants first…. 😉


  4. Wonderful writing! I agree with you whole-heartedly and I think our blogs are trying to accomplish very similar things! Thanks much for this and I look forward to reading more of your writing soon!


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