Thursday Tidbits: Ever Evolving Peace

Peace quote pic 091913 with text

Although Thursday Tidbits posts remain irregular, the Bloggers for Peace movement stays the course in its challenge to bloggers. For September, participants are to post a single quote for peace, a single statement that each one of us might remember the next time disagreement seems inevitable.

Not surprisingly, I turn to the words of the Buddha so frequently offered on the ever-wonderful blog, Zen Flash. For me, this past week has been one of discovering the broader dimensions of compassion—in more than one moment I was found lacking–all will be revealed on Sunday in a regular blog post. Between now and then, I hope you visit some other Bloggers for Peace posts:

Spunky Wayfarer

Bishop Eddie Tatro’s Study

Becoming a Writer

Indira’s Blog

Card Castles in the Sky

9 thoughts on “Thursday Tidbits: Ever Evolving Peace

  1. Love this, Karen. The Buddha was so far ahead of his time. Modern neuroscience is scientifically proving this statement with experience dependent neuroplasticity. Science is only two and half centuries behind on this one. 🙂
    Trying to be peace today for tomorrow. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


    1. Matthew, that is so kind of you. Wow! I really appreciate that from both of you. You and August are such bright lights on the blogosphere . Also noticed that your writing series has returned. Am on my way over.


    1. Hadn’t thought of that, Diana. Hmmm…. Have not been to this beach in awhile–am working on a post for it–it has always been a favorite. Much appreciated, Diana.


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